Thursday, November 15

An Amusing Freebie!

Anybody want this?

2 A muse stamps
Assorted A muse papers
Assorted A muse cards
Pack of A muse cards and envelopes
A plethora of stamped A muse images from my collection

Just let me know what kinda stamps you prefer....rubber? clear? unmounted? mounted?
What's your fav?

This is open to ANYONE.
A winner will be picked Monday at noon central time.


Katie Skiff said...

Sa-weet!! I don't have any AMUSE stamps so this is wonderful!

Allison Rankin said...

Hey chickadee! I like all stamps but I always buy the cheapest (which tends to be unmounted or clear!).

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

I like stamps in this order..

1. Wood mounted rubber stamps.
2. Real rubber un-mounted stamps on ez mount.
3. Clear stamps.

Nancy said...

I love a stamp.... as long it's an image I LOVE I will buy it. But, I do have a preference.... the same as Cindy's!
1. Wood mounted
2. Rubber on cling foam (similar)
3. Acrylics

Heather said...

I like unmounted rubber the best... but clear are growing on me ;)

Tami Grandi said...

I would love to win some amusing candy! My favorite right now is unmounted because they take up less space but I'm still liking my wood mounted su ones. I'm also going toward some specific brands of clear. I guess I show no favoritism toward stamps!

Shelly said...

Great stamps, love Amuse stamps! I like wood mounted and then unmounted. I'd like clear stamps more, but find they don't always give consistent images. That said, I own plenty of clear as well! LOL!!

Unknown said...

Hi Simone! What a great give-a-way! I have to say that I really only have stamped with SU! stuff. I did get the $1 clear stamps from Michaels but they aren't that great and I just got my first bella. I'm on the fence about that one. I'm used the the rubbah! I have a lot of stamps on my list that I would love to try. Thanks for the opportunity to win different stamps! You're awesome!

Elaine said...

I'm not picky, I love em all!! however my FIRST love was definitely hard wood mounted!

Anonymous said...

I love all stamps--clear are great because I can exactly where to put the stamp. I have a stamp-a-jig so am also able to put put wood stamps exactly where I want them.
Linda Peterson

Cheryl KVD said...

Heck ya, I want that stuff!!! I would LOVE it!! I like all kinds of stamps, but if I had to chose, I'd get mounted rubber stamps. Thanks!
Cheryl KVD

MelissaS said...

I used to like wood mounted rubber, but then I tried clear and love their versatility. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Clear - hands down!!

Tammy B said...

girl, i've been a rubber & wood block girl for a very long time, but i've been going clear lately. haven't bought actual rubber in about a year.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful blog candy. I used to only buy clear, I just wasn't happy with the images I was getting from them, they didn't seem to stamp as nicely. I sold all my acrylic and bought all wood mounted rubber stamps. I love them crisp images I get from these.

Karen said...

I am relatively new to stamping; but, I pretty much started with clear stamps- I am so uncoordinated that beign able to see my placement helps :P

M!ssPr!ssy said...

I like SU wood mounted stamps. I have both kinds and acrylics are ok but I still like the wood better.

Hey Hey Paula said...

I love my wood mounted stamps. I've just started to use unmounted stamps and I do like the real rubber on ez mount.

Unknown said...

The giveaway is really amusing! Thanks for offering.
I prefer clear ones, because you can see exactly where you want to stamp them, and also the storing is much easier.

Margie P. said...

In Order:

2. All else....

Cathy M said...

Sweet candy!
1) I have more rubber, but starting to buy clear too.
2. I have more mounted stamps, but starting to buy unmounted.
Thanks for a chance.

Julie S. said...

oooooooh... be still my heart. I soooooo would love to win this!
I am a big fan of unmounted rubber... though I do admit to loving mounted rubber because of the ease of use... and unmounted clear because of the positioning factor...

Can you say, "I love 'em all?" ;^)*

Linda SS said...

I love Amuse!!! Thanks for the chance to win such awesome blog candy:) I love any type of stamp but I'm developing a real liking for unmounted rubber.

Tee said...

This is a great candy to give-away!
I prefer the unmounted rubberstamps or clear they are relatively cheaper..

Jan Scholl said...

as long as it stamps, I buy it! I ain't too picky. go elf yourself.

Momsnack said...

I've been buying some unmounted lately, either rubber or cling, but I must say I prefer wood mounted for the large stamps.
NancyS (momsnack)

blah said...

Pick me, pick me!!!!! I've recently gone unmounted because of the space savings and am finding myself liking them more and more. I do like wood mounted rubber but it's really not that huge of a difference using unmounted rubber or even clear stamps. Heck, a stamp is a stamp is a stamp :-)

Jacqueline said...

Definately RUBBER - it is so much more enjoyable to work with a rubber stamp in my opinion!
Thanks for your offer!

Angel said...

I'm so old fashioned that it was hard for me to even take the plunge to buy unmounted or acrylic.... but now I wish ALL of my stamps were on the EZ mount and I didn't have all the wood taking up so much room! Acrylics are okay, but they just don't stamp as well.... in my opinion.

Paula said...

Neat prize. I would love to have this stuff live in Florida. It's so nice here, and I wouldn't want it to be all cold. I would love it!!!! Oh, and I'm not picky either.

Sharon said...

Thanks for the chance to get some great goodies. I prefer the wood mounted stamps because they are easier to handle.Anyway, have a great low key Thanksgiving.This year I think ours is going to be anything but low key.

Alison said...

I'm an old-fashioned girl I guess. I prefer wood-mounted. Thanks so much for the candy op!

Greta Adams said...

i don't have any of their stamps either...

i really don't have a favorite...i like the clear because you can see what's up but i like the rubber cause i get a more clear crisp cleaner stamped image!! and i like mounted...

Sheila D. Staves said...

FREE Stuff! I'm in!!! My preference is clear & unmounted. I'm swiftly approaching a storage crisis issue with the stamps I've been amassing over the last several months, so clear & unmounted is my new mantra.

Anonymous said...

oooh i want it! i want it! :)
thanks for offering it up.
i am new to clear, but i think i will like being able to see what i am doing. i like the helps cut down on space. i am enjoying reading the comments to see others opinions....great question
thanks for a chance

Cindy Vernon said...

I really like clear stamps so I can see where I'm stamping! I do buy some wood because SU and Amuse have some cute stuff but only in wood!

Denise said...

Lately my favorite are unmounted, but no tthe clear ones. Sometimes the clear can get icky....I have never tried any amuse stamps yet....hope I'm lucky!

Angie said...

Wow, what a great freebie!! My favorite kind of stamps are definitely wood-mounted rubber.

Gina Wrona said...

Rubber mounted, because honestly I haven't tried anything else like the clear or unmounted.

Debbie - StudioBeeCreations said...

What FUNFUNFUN stamps!!!.....My preference is wood mounted rubber...HOWEVER, I am always open to new & exciting concepts in stamping!!

jackie said...

woohoo gotta love this opportunity!! free stamps are always a plus and I can adapt to any kind you put in front of me!!!

Rhonda said...

Oooohhh, yummy blog candy!! :D Thanks for the chance to win!

I love good old fashioned rubber wood mounted stamps! Much easier for me than clear stamps!! I don't mind unmounted rubber on acrylic blocks, but I'm so challenged at clear stamps!! :D

Lorie said...

Oh, fun! What nice candy! Although I use wood mounted stamps the most, I have been using clear and unmounted stamps more and more and if they are of high quality they are great! I love being able to see what I'm doing with them!

Eileen M said...

How appropriate that you're offering this type of stamp, since your posts are almost always amuse-ing!
I haven't been stamping too long. I enjoy the wood mounted with the stamp-a-ma-jig, but got a set of clear circle stamps from Papertrey, and I really love how I can see immediately where they're going to print!!

dre said...

I used to love wood mounted stamps because that is all I knew. I still like them because I like Stampin' Up in general, but I've fallen in love with clear stamps just because I really like being able to see where I am stamping.

glo.riah said...

while i still have rubber mounted stamps (and still adore them)
i only buy acrylic these days.
unless it is a stamp i just GOTTA have.

i prefer to use staz on ink with them, since it saturates the stamp...some ink smears or is blotchy.


Nettie said...

I love my wood but am fast becoming a clear gal. Thanks for the chance to win all these Amuse goodies.


Noel said...

these little goodies are adorable!

Amy said...

Cute! Unmounted clear is my fav!

Deborah said...

Wowzer! Great goodies! Stamp preference is wood mounted. Sentiments, I like to use clear acrylic. Deb

Brenda H. said...

Oh ya baby, count me in!! I just LOVE stamps!! Mostly, I just own wood mounted rubber stamps, but I also have one bella, & some clear stamps from Michaels. Thanks for this chance to win sweet candy!
~Brenda H.

clhenry99 said...

Oh I could totally use this craft pick me up right now!@ LOL
I love ummounted rubber stamps. After having about every freaking kind of stamp possible, i think i have decided that i love rubber, but hate them being mounted on wood.

Anonymous said...


Cricket said...

Wow, look at all the comments!! :)

Hey, I like stamps...any kind is fine by me :)


Pricousins said...

what a cool prize!! I love clear stamps! me thinks they are GREAT!!

Reality Show Reject said...

So far all I've used is mounted stamps. I've got some clear stamps from Michaels, but I haven't used them yet. I've also just purchased some unmounted stamps, but realized that I don't have a block large enough, so now I need to purchase one! Thanks for the chance to win!

Rita said...

Hey there Spazz girl, I like mounted or unmounted rubbah!!! What awesome candy...thanks for the chance.

sandyh50 said...

Right now I like my mounted wooden rubber stamps. I have bought some unmounted acrylics at Michaels but haven't used them yet.

Thanks for the chance to win!


kathy said...

I like rubber stamps unmounted. I like the acrylics to but prefer rubber

kristinorth said...

I love wood mounted, of course, but clear is definitely growing on me! Great give-away!

Kristina Lewis said...

Hey woman! I love mounted rubba! How bout you??
