Friday, July 6

Still catching up!

I am still catching up from my move upstairs last weekend, so if it seems like I am ignoring email, your blogs, message boards...I'm not at all, just trying to do it all and get my life back into some sort of order.

I feel like I have been out of the loop for a week and I need to catch up on everybody, see how life's rollin', what's new, whatcha been making....I so feel like I am missing something.

Oh, and I am still missing my SU catalog, still not here, I swear my mail carrier hates me.

So, I am completely out of the loop there and avoid posts about it like the plague, don't want to ruin the real thing.

I did get tagged by Paula, so here are 7 things you may not know about me: (I always love reading these lists about people, I feel like I actually know you!)

1. I am an office slave by day. Many, many people ask me what I do and that is always my slave. I work for a real estate appraiser, which means I stare at a computer all day.
2. I am sarcastic and blunt to a fault.
3. I am deathly afraid of heights, you should see me on my new balcony...yikes.
4. My girlie skillz suck, so I am no good at picking out clothes, "doing" my hair, or putting on makeup.
5. I'm 5'3" and in my family that is actually tall.
6. I am a movie fanatic and watch at least a movie a week, but never chick flicks, I hate those!
7. I keep a list of people I would like to punch in the face because I dislike them so much. So, if someone totally cuts me off, he goes on the list. Many celebrities and public figures, they're on the list. And anyone who really ticks me off..."She's on the list" What's funny about this is that everybody close to me knows what that means and most other people just assume I mean they are on my shit list. And even my son will tell me, "Mom, add that guy to your list, he is driving like a jerk!"

I hate tagging people, so consider yourselves tagged and then tell me you did it!
The best part about people commenting on my blog, to me, is that I can then click on YOU and find your amazing blogs. The nice comments are a plus too, but for me, it is a great way to find new people, so don't be afraid, just comment. And I know that the verification thing is a pain, but without it, I get all kinds of crazy ads and you will have to deal.


Unknown said...


Abra Leah Cross said...

You crack me up. :)

I'm scared of heights, too - at malls I always walk as far away from the overhang as possible. I once passed out on an elevator. Sad, huh?

Donna Baker said...

you are TOO funny!! I love the list idea! I wish we could hang out, I'd totally like to teach you some girlie skillz (I'd have never known that, I guess you're a natural beauty because you always look so pretty in your pics)

Kristina Lewis said...

You are tagged! Check out my blog for details!~

Melissa said...

Punch them in the face?! Hahahahaha! You are hysterical Simone!

I just listed mine on Wednesday of this week so feel free to check it out!

Many Blessings!

Lorrie said...

I read your blog because I need the daily chuckles!!! You kill me!! I hope to NEVER make it on your list!

Paula said...

Good job, Simone, LOL. We match personality wise on a couple of points, but I'm not going to say which ones. It's almost scary....

katemade designs said...

4. My girlie skillz suck, so I am no good at picking out clothes, "doing" my hair, or putting on makeup.
One more thing we have in common. I like you more and more the more I read your blog.

Mimi said...

Love your list, giggling at M. adding some people

gloria said...

can't wait to see the new catty either!!

Michele Kovack said...

You always crack me up!! Hey, I will be at CHA! Which booth will you be at? Would love to meet you!

michelle sturgeon said...

You remind me of Stephen Colbert with your list! You crack me up!

elizabeth said...

oh i love that you have a "list". i sooo need one of those.

and i can just hear max.

crack my ass up girl!
