And definitely checking it more than twice.
I am a total nutjob this time of year.
With the huge ass family to shop for, plus the multitude of calls from an endless swarm of grandparents, "What does Max want? What size does he wear? Does he like boxers or briefs?"...a girl could seriously lose her mind!
So, the one thing I have been doing for the past four years is making a little pocket Xmas list to keep me on track and organized.It is carefully sorted by groups...Family, Friends, My List, and the kid of course.
I can easily flip to the appropriate section and see what everybody wants, who's buying Max what and what still needs to be purchased.
Plus, I like to use little paper clips to hold pictures of items if I have them, makes it so much easier for the grandparents to find Spawn action figures when they know what they look like as opposed to their super long stupid names and series numbers.

I should have thought of that years ago.
Plus, I can easily add paper to a section or rip something out without feeling like I ruined the whole thing.

I like to keep the "real" receipts seperate from the gift ones because lord knows I will lose one or someone will lose the gift receipt promptly after opening the box.
So, the lists are made, for the most part.
I'm still missing a few people I need and I still need to get Max info to one set of grandparents.
At least I am an organized procrastinator though.
This is my little list.
Hey, wait....This list looks different than the last.
It's another Xmas list book people!
I finally got my act together and made two at the same time, I always say I should and I finally did!
Just leave a comment here about how you keep organized during the madness of the season and I will draw a name Thurday at noon and mail it out ASAP.
I *love* this book! What a wonderful idea! I've been trying to organize my lists for oh... three weeks now? to no avail. :( How did you make it??
This is awesome Simone!
This is GREAT! I think it's so clever you used binder rings so that you can use this over and over!
My messy way is -- I use my day planner - any blank pages I can find. :)
I use a list also Simone, but mine is not near as organized as yours!!! Mine is just in a tiny notebook that I haven't altered yet. Good job for making this cute book.
Cheryl Sims
This is so cool!!!!!! I'm so not a list person but I probably should be--my mind just isn't what it used to be and I constantly forget things now which is so not like me :-)
I just write things on scraps that get put in my purse or bag and sometimes I remember them.
that is awesome!! love it!!
I love the idea but I like the book even better. So beautiful.
Pick me please! What a great idea girl, your such a genius!!! I'm really not organized, I just go with the flow at xmas. Very unusual for me 'cause at any other time I'm very organized, that's why I'd love to have this it sure would help this shopper. You should do a tutorial for this PLEASE??? I would luv to know how & what materials you used. Thanks so much for your help with the DD it was much appreciated.
you ARE one organized bah-hum-bugger (is that a word?) seriously, this is AWESOME! believe it or not, I don't keep a list & I manage to stay on track, on budget and make about 3/4 of my gifts. o.k. I'm not superwoman but I am frugal and I think a handmade gift says wonders! for my DMIL, she's getting a crochet scarf (I let DH do shopping for his immediate family too)
OMG this is adorable I wish I had started sooner AGAIN
oh girl that is so super*dooper cute!
wish i had some organizing words of wisdom but i don't really.
the only thing i can say is that i have been buying throughout the year for the kiddos so i only have a couple things left.
2008 will be much different though.
Hot diggity!! This is sooo flipping cool!! I wanted to make my own, but I am hoping and praying that I will WIN yours because it is way tooo cute!!!!!!!!!! What a superb idea! you should market these girlfriend!!
I'm so NOT organized this time of year!!! That's why this would be perfect for me!!!!
OMG, I kept looking at the pics of the first one bc I thought I saw an 'S' after kids lol. I did, I'm NOT going crazy! hehe
Love the book and could surely use it... hehhehe
Hugs and thanks for sharing!
Bobbie :)
I have a list I work off of. All my daughters are grown up now, so it is easier, just pricey! Love your situation for being organized! Deb
This is unbelievable. I can't get over how creative you are. I don't even have a list on paper, let alone something this cute. I think I am going to resort to my corner to bawl my eyes out.
This is absolutely adorable!! I'm never organized so why should Christmas be any different?! Except if I win that little book, it might be a start! and if I don't win it, I might just have to make myself one. Thanks for such a super idea!
Awesome book!
Well, Mike and I do not have kids (by choice, not by any defect) and my parents and brothers pretty much have everything, so we don't exchange gifts, which makes holiday shopping a breeze! LOL! We do give a lot to charity, though.
Great book Simone! My way of staying special way, I'm just anal is all LOL!!
This is a great book! I like the fact that it's reusable, too. That's different from most of the books I've seen. The tabs are awesome and would make it so much easier to deal with.
The past coupld of years I've just been using a pathetic little notepad like we used to buy for school to write our homework in! LOL As for the receipts, they get thrown in my underwear drawer - ewwwwww!
Soooo cute AND practical too!
I can use all the help I can get during the Christmas season!
Huuuulll Oooooo....I'm so NOT organized at Christmas! That's exactly why you should pick me to receive your incredible creation Ü
I promise to rub it on my right cheek several times then strap that puppy to mah chest so I won't lose it and stay completely organized this Holiday Season *Ü* I luv it!!
Tracy *Ü*
I just want to leave a comment that you are amazing Ms. Simone. Too organized!!! You rock girl.
I don't need the book (even though it's great)I just wanted to leave a comment.
I altered an organizer last year but am running out of paper. I love this idea of loose leaf so you can keep using the same one!
Genius!!! Noting this for next year!!
I am so unorganized that I find gifts I bought in previous years, Love the little book you made
Pick me! Pick me! How do I stay organized? Do Mickey D. napkins count? Any who-love the blog but REALLY love the book!
How adorable, AND useful! I just *don't* stay organized well, now or any time of year ;) but I do have a color coded wipe off calendar on our fridge to keep track of everyone's events, and this time of year is especially busy!
Oh my gosh Simone! What a great idea. I love that it is reuseable. I would like to try my hand at this project! M.A.D. Stamper listed the link to your site. I am glad I dopped in for a peak. Have the Happiest of Holidays and thanks for sharing this project with us.
great book, I would love to have a "Simone original"!
I'm not organized for the holidays, although my cards are done :>). I have more of a creative chaos approach when it comes to the holidays.
I know I already left a comment but I wanted to leave another. I just love this thing. I am going to star it.
LOVE IT...would LOVE to have one..unfortunately, my name only gets picked out of a hat when its to "volunteer" for a job that no one else wants!!!
Oh well, great to look at..
Thanks for sharing!
Hi- You have such wonderful ideas! I would dearly LOVE to win one of your creations! Thanks for all you share! HUgs Kay Mespelt
This is fantastic...great job!
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