Thursday, May 12

The Scrapbook Evolution

Scrapbooking is so popular now that I am often amazed at how many people are actually doing it. I never thought it would be this big. Now, there are so many vendors and online sources, it is outrageous. This craft is ever changing and there are things about it that I hope will change soon.

  1. I hope we see less one picture layouts. Come on, people have more than one picture of most events, so let's see them.
  2. That junky shabby style should be on its way out soon, thank goodness. As much as I like it, I think it is way too overdone.
  3. One word titles on the layouts, this is getting ridiculous. People need to stop using the word amazing because very few of those things are truly amazing.
  4. Maybe less layouts that look all the same. It seems like one person does something cool with ribbon or flowers and Wham! everybody's doing it.
  5. I hope I see more little boy and men layouts.
  6. I hope I see more pictures that don't look like a photographer took it. Not everyone has amazing pictures everytime and sometimes those pictures need to be scrapped as well.
  7. Cheaper pages. I am tired of pages that clearly cost a fortune to create.
  8. More journaling!! I love layouts that have great journaling.
I am glad that this is a craft that is always growing and changing, it keeps things interesting. I am also glad that there is no right or wrong way to do it. I can be me and have my own style and that is the right way! Too cool!! I can't wait to look back years from now at my current pages and relive the happy memories that I tried to capture.

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