Monday, June 27

100+ Handmade Flower Tutorials

Do you?...

This is the hottest way to keep track of all the coolest stuff you find on the web.
It's also a great way to waste a lot of time.
Warning: You will get sucked in and spend hours looking at pages of awesomeness all in one spot.
I save great craft ideas, recipes, and clothes all in this one spot.
And the best part is that it is total eye candy.
So, if you want to track all those sites and ideas in one spot, hop on over.
If you need an invite, let me know.
And you can find me there as spazzgirl, naturally.

On Pinterest and in my daily internet surfing, I've found tons of great tutorials for making flowers.
Every kind you can imagine.
And now you can find them all in one spot!
Just click to follow my Flower Tutorials board and you can get all those great links too.
Over 100 and the list grows every week!

Happy Pinning!


Paula said...

Hi Simone, didn't realize you were blogging still; I would very much like an invite to pinterest. I love wasting time on the internet! Thanks, Paula

(don't know if my e-mail will show up here; its ascrapnut at msn dot com.)

Matt Maldre said...

I love pinterest! It's the best subscription system online now. The best ever!

Gabriela Delworth - Instructional Designer said...

Hello Simone,

I found you on LinkedIn, we are both part of the CHA group.
True about Pinterest, love it and I am also there.
Love sharing my tutorials!

