Monday, January 28

Organizing Tips - SpazzTv Debut

My birthday was lovely.
I got a new lightsphere for my camera, so all my pictures should be perfect now.
I got some new Cherry-themed juice glasses for my soon to be cherry-themed kitchen.
And I got to spend some quality time with family chowing down some amazing Chinese fare and enjoying the BYOB policy of the restaurant.

I spent a lot of the weekend driving my family nuts with talk about how old I am and dwelling on that fact.
Ridiculous, I know.
But I was in a birthday funk, I guess.
"Look at how OLD I am now and what have I done?"
All anyone could do was nod and tell me countless times, "You're not old!"
I'm sure the funk will dissipate this week, it was just the inital shock that has lead to some self issues.

I also spent a lot of my weekend doing a lot of nothing.
I scrapped a ton on Friday.
And watched some movies.
Then spent some time with the Mac book and put the final touches on my movie.

So, here it is.
The debut of SpazzTv.
Keep in mind that I just learned how to use iMovie.
Oh hell, I just learned how to use a Mac! (I couldn't stop double-clicking for a while)
And the whole thing was shot with the iSight camera, so it's not the best.
But it's ok.
And apparently I have more chins than I thought.

So enjoy!

Future movies will be done with the new camera I got for my birthday, so that should help the quality.
And now that I have worked out a lot of the kinks in home movie making, the next one should be better.
So check back.

Movies currently in production:
* How to use the Bind It All
* More Organizing Tips
* Projects, Projects, Projects
* Copics (if I get back into the swing with them!)
* And I look inside scraprooms...yep, if you are on my calendar scheduled for a visit, the camera is coming and everyone will get a look inside your crafty space, so be prepared!!

And much more, I'm sure.
So stay tuned.


Greta Adams said...

oh shit i need to clean it...and here i thought i would just leave it the way it was and have you help me organize it...bwhahahahaha

lovin this girl!!

Noel said...

Great job Simone! Fun to see you "space".

elizabeth said...

simone, this video is so fabulous on so many different levels i can't even stand it.

gonna have to dload that song. love it.
love the comedy (always can count on you for a laugh ;)
love the tips.

again {big applause} and i cannot wait for the next one :)

Crafty Connie said...

Wow, your space is soooo organized. I'll have to have you come to the craft cellar in my house and whip it into shape.
LOVE the tip about scrap storage. I have most (well some) of my 12x12 paper sorted by color and labeled but didn't want to just jam all my scraps is with them so I will have to start eating cereal so that I can utilize tip #5. Thanks for the video and tips.

liz mataraza said...

what a great video! i'm so stealing the cereal box idea...that is when i have a shelf in a scraproom where i can actually store scraps! love it!!!

Josie said...

Happy belated Birthday! Sounds like you had a good one!!
Can't wait to see all the great pics you take and I want to see some when your kitchen is finished..the cherry theme is so cute!!
Have fun with your MAC, I want one soooo bad!

Heather said...

that was so cute, can't wait to see the rest of the videos you make, I will so keep my eye out. I love looking at others peoples rooms.
And you looked great, no worries.
Have a great week.

Lori said...

Great video girl!!!

Love seeing that I'm not the only one with a messy but works for me craft space!!

I'll be watching for new videos!!

Ann(i)e Hafermann said...


michelle sturgeon said...

It was cool to see you and hear you! You have a lot of stuff! LOL!

alittlebitofscrap said...

I so loved loved your debut movie! OMG! My fav tip was the cereal box trix ;) Really fun and very useful tip. Waiting for more.

Michele Kovack said...

Does this mean I can't invite you over now? No cameras allowed!!! Can't wait to see ya Friday.....I'm bringing the alcohol! : )

Korbyn said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!

Love the, wanna come over and organize my crap room??? please. :)

Lisa Martin said...

Ok, I'm 2:49 in and I love you! will you marry me!

Melissa said...

Love, love love the cereal box idea!!! I had an awesome time watching the video and look forward to seeing many, many more!

Many Blessings,

Debbie - StudioBeeCreations said...

LOVELOVELOVE the new video idea....First of be able to actually hear your are soooo witty!....but, also...what FUN ideas!....I would LOVE for you to come visit my studio ...the NEXT time you might be in the Nashville,Tn area...I dont throw ANYTHING away either....guess we need Hoarders Anon for all of of CHEAP-A-HOLICS!!....and way to DUMPSTER dive for the pen holder!! You rock!!!...cant wait to see your next video!!Creative blessings, Debbie/StudioBeeCreations

Anonymous said...

thank you for your kind words at pink paislee about my designs!

much love,

glo.riah said...

i didn't realise that restaurants in the U.S.
did byob.

good to know.
glad your birthday was fab!!

what'd your fortune read??

Julie S. said...

This was a total treat to get to see you and feel you "jump out of the screen" a bit MORE than you do with your already great blog.

Too bad all of us are sort of anonymous, still!

Love your "lame" tips! And I look forward to more of your videos!

Murphy's Law said...

snort. you are soooo funny. loved the video. and had birthdays like that. the feeling does pass. lol!

Sheila D. Staves said...

LOOOVE the video!!! Thanks so much for sharing your tips - I'm definately going to stop throwing away the empty cereal boxes (I also have a bottomless pit boy who lives in our house, so I should be able to supply all my crafting friends too!) Keep up the great work and remember age is just a number and doesn't diminish who you are!

----- Alison Mewer Cowan ----- said...

That was GREAT! I loved it - thanks for the laugh. Oh, and the cereal boxes - GENIUS!!!!

Alyssa said...

Happy belated I'm off to watch your movie. I love my mac...glad you got one too!

Scrapping My 2 Precious Gems said...

Simone your video rocks! Your cereal box idea was PERFECT!!!! Too bad I have a nook and not a room or else I would definitely be using it! Love your IKEA organizer with the cups. Since Leilani's godfather lives near there, I will be sweet talking hubs to go there for a visit, as an ulterior way to get to IKEA!!

Happy Belated Birthday!

Cricket said...

Simone!! LOVE this video thing you are doing!!! I just popped on the puter over here in freakin' hot Malaysia..and your blog was the first on my visit!! Can't wait to see more! Still haven't given the card to the dh yet...thinking on our last night!

