Tuesday, November 6

BlogRoll Week

So, I have single-handedly decided that this week is the official.....
Update Your Blogroll Week!

I am such a slacker when it comes to this whole blogging universe sometimes and have kicked myself many, many times for not adding someone to my list.
I rarely open up the 'ol bloglines midday and add someone.
Ok, I never do it.

So, this week, I have made a promise to myself to add all those fabulous blogger buddies that I love but can only find when you make a comment.
So, of all the weeks, in all the months....Please make a comment this week!!!
Even just a little "Hi!", would be totally cool with me.

But I can't find ya and I definitely can't add ya if you don't speak up!
And some of you, I have been unable to "find" in quite a while.

So, it is official....Comment So I Can Find Ya Week!


Nancy said...

You need to know that I totally enjoy your blog... love your sense of humour and your creations!!

Heather S. said...

I'm still checking your blog all the time via my google reader. Just thought I'd let you know.

Nancy said...

Love your blog and your love of life...definitely shines.

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

Cindy said...

I read your blog regularly! Feel free to check out mine, although it's under construction right now so the sight of it might make you puke. If you check it tomorrow it should be as beautiful as anything! LOL

Greta Adams said...

umm yeah hi..you have mine i feel quite sure...lmao..


Crafty Connie said...

C'mon over to my blog (which you always do)and leave a comment and a chance to win some blog candy.

Mimi said...

I have to admit, I took mine down because it was so out of date and I'd not gotten around to updating it.

I'm here!

Cricket said...

hey Simone!! love reading your blog! Your cupcake card is stinkin' cute!! Don't know who makes the stamp though...


Tracy said...

I luv readin' your blog...now convince to get my own Ü I'm waaay to boring to have my own blog:
"Woke up, drank lottsa coffee...brushed my teeth...worked...stamped...nite, nite." See, I told ya Ü


Kelly said...

I love reading your blog you are just too funny!

Jan Scholl said...

I have you in my Reader, always a smile to see your face light up the dark. I blog in the dark at 2 AM.

kat said...

Loving your blog and am enjoying your sense of humor the most

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Oh yeah, baby! I have kind of been doing the same thing lately :)

Rita said...

OoooooH, so that's how you do it, just when we comment on yours, you naughty girl...50 lashes for you!!! Just kidding, heeheehee!!!
I luv coming over here to your blog for my laughs, you totally crack me up, your so funny! *Hugs* to you.

----- Alison Mewer Cowan ----- said...

I know what you mean!

I read your blog everyday! Love it!

Josie said...

i do the same thing..I hate updating the blog so I always go back to comments...
but here I am!

Melisa Wells said...

I think you found me already this week, but I thought I'd come and say hi anyway! ;)
