Yes, I know I already did this a couple days ago, but I am trying to make it a Friday routine and really I've got nothing else.
My creative energy is still focused in one direction and I'm not done with my project and the deadline is tomorrow...yikes!
On to the nonsense....
*My Max is a total one of a kind, kooky kid.
And as I was telling my buddy Elizabeth this week, he has decided what he would like to be for Halloween this year.
In previous years, he has gone as Gandalf, The Six Flags Guy, Donald Trump(see pic HERE) but last year he just wanted to be a boring zombie.
Very crushing to a mom that LOVES Halloween and especially ingenious costumes.
But this year, his costume choice had me laughing and anyone else I've told has had a good laugh too.
And it has me trying desperately to talk him out of it.
Best sit down for this one.
The kid wants to dress like Michael Jackson in the Thriller video.
And he tells me, "I'm gonna need you to help me learn the dance too."So apparently he plans to dance for his candy this year.
And doesn't care what kids say or think, which I love about Max because I was totally the kid that just wanted to fit in.
He actually tries to stand out.
Be different.
And I love it, but worry about it too.
Especially because not only is he going as MJ for Halloween but he is also using a 90210 pencil case and a Spinal Tap lunchbox this year.
Oh man, he is just setting himself up for trouble.
*Tornadoes have hit us here in the Windy City and man, what a mess!
So many traffic lights out, it made getting to work pretty scary, unfortunately I live in a city where people don't know what to do at an intersection without lights and even if they do know they are waaaaayyyy to important to wait their turn.
Gotta love that.
*I have come to terms that my Magic Bullet will only pulverize things and I think I'm OK with it.
And in case anyone else was wondering....
I also own a Turbo Cooker, Ove Glove and the Hercules Hooks.
All good, but embarrassing.
*The new "add a video" button here on blogger intrigues me.
Makes me want to make a video, but alas that would require a camera.
*I love this idea about embroidering a digital image, I am so trying this and I haven't done anything like this since 6th grade.
*If you're in the Wisconsin/Illinois area, you may wanna join us over at Scrap In Style TV because they are planning a Crop for October and I know I am going to try to find a babysitter to go, how about joining me? Details HERE.
*There is a great flower tutorial HERE (beware of the music though).
*Joined an owl swap over HERE, so if you love all things owl too, you have til tomorrow, Aug 25th to join me!
*Watched Cry Baby with the kid the other night, forgot how much I love that movie. The singing and dancing and 50s styles... I just love it. And the young Johnny Depp.....ahhhh!
*The arm appears to be going away, looks way less red, so I hope that means it is leaving. Five more days on the drugs and I should be back to normal.
*Does anybody else think there are way too many flower stamps coming out?
It just seems like everytime there is a new set from any company, there is a good probability it will be a floral set.
Especially now, it is almost fall and winter time.
I love me some flowers, but man, there are so many and so many look so similar.
Ok, that's about enough of the blab for one day.
What's on your mind?
You know that thing that's been sitting there all week and you have just been mulling it over.
Go on, share it!
Have a spectacular weekend!
Teach him the dance? What a funny guy - I actually didn't realize there was a dance until I saw "13 Going on 30". Maybe because I've always hated Michael Jackson?
Anyway, yeah, lots of flowers. So glad you are ok, it looked scary!
Thriller hahaha! At least you guys have original ideas and kudos to him for not caring what anyone else thinks.
My parents are in Wheaton and there was no school today because of last nights storms. It was horrible here last night too, but we didn't get any damage to our property (besides the blown hard drive), but neighbors did. It looks like more is coming in now too.
I really want more Thanksgiving sets. It's my favorite holiday besides Halloween and Christmas and I'm disappointed in the amount out now.
Oh man, I have to see what you come up with!
I absolutely LOVE all his costumes of prior years. You know he is THE only one dressed as them that year.
Your Max is too cute! He such a cool kid! Good for get him the video and teach away! I used to Loooove Michael Jackson, until he got realllllly wierd! Brian works in Elmhurst and had no power today....had to scan packages using everyones' cell phones!
Glad you're okay from the storms. We saw on the news tonight how bad it was in Chi-town. Usually it's us in Florida that get bad weather this time of year. Love the young 'uns costume idea. He seems to be getting more and more creative with them every year. Chip off the old block?
I love it! Are you going to post Max in his costume?
Be careful with that crazy weather!
You gotta love a kid who doesn't care what people think. Especially at his age.
The only things that have been on my mind is I can't wait for the kids to go back to school, I wish someone would organize my craft room for me, and I wish someone would come and clean my house. Other than that, I'm good.
Love that part of 13 going on could watch it and teach DS the dance at the same time!!!
I too have infomercial stuff...Food Saver anyone?...Bare Essentuals...
...have always wondered about those hooks you have...tempting!
I love the Thriller idea!!! So cute!
I love the Halloween pictures...your son is a cutie!
It's also refreshing to have a child who knows "who he/she is". I know that you are a proud momma!
I love your ramblings Simone. I brought a Bedazzler (I'm embarresed too)*smile* That piece of plastic was a JOKE, I just thought I should warn you. Don't waste your BTW...I got my money back, I was so pissed! lol
Have a "peachy Monday" :)
I love these posts!
Max is an individual. How awesome!
I own no infomercial they really work?
That is awesome that he wants to be MJ- we will need pics (of course).
Glad to hear that you are coming to terms w/ the Bullet. What is next on the infomercial round-up in your home? You kill me! ;)
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