Monday, May 21

See the New Me ----------->

Yep, in case you didn't notice, had my picture taken about 50 times this weekend so I could get a more recent picture of myself and there it is.
Of course when I added it to my profile, for some reason it is now smaller, but there I am.

So, don't be startled by the new picture on my comments, it's me...really, it is.


Alyssa said...

I love your new photo! I need to update mine, but I want to loose some more weight first. Ugghh!

Crafty Connie said...

Very nice photo Simone, shows the new red highlights!

Mimi said...

I like it! Great color for you too!

Anonymous said...

I noticed this photo in the comment on my blog. Looks great!

blah said...

Love the new pic! Your hair is much longer than I thought it was.

gloria said...


Jo said...

Lookin' good. No wonder you've got the papparazi following you around! ;)

Unknown said...

Your picture turned out great! I had the same problem with mine, When I loaded it it came out smaller than what I had it to begin with. Ida know. :)
