Wednesday, May 30

Enabler Alert!

A muse is having a big Birthday Sale.

They have 7 pages filled with stamps that are on sale for 25% off. And, if you order 6 or more sale stamps, we will give you an extra 15%!!! (total discount = 40% off) Gotta love those numbers!

So, to see all the stamps on sale, just click HERE.

Enabling over for now.


elizabeth said...

you are an enabler.

i've been avoiding clicking those links since you first started posting about em and now you got me hooked girl.

gloria said...

i should learn to stay away when i see the words enable/enabler!!

Unknown said...

Okay, I for real need to STOP reading your Blog! Why would you do this to me? lol. I guess I am going to have to go check it out, Maybe borrow some money so I can get some. haha!
