Friday, December 2

Kicked to the Curb

Just heard on the radio (so it must be true)...

Britney Spears and former back up dancer, Kevin Federline have split.
Mr. Federline has moved out of the couple's Malibu mansion.

Wow!! Big news! Almost bigger than Jessica and Nick. Definitely bigger than the Ben and Jen Baby News. What could it have been?? One too many wife beater Tshirts? The fact that he is a former back-up dancer? He didn't shower enough? She refuses to lose the baby fat? I can only speculate. And now what will little Bubba Spears do without his big pimp daddy at home? Oh the horror.
Who would have seen this coming? His other babies' momma probably. Oh, poor lil Brit, she should have known better or just stuck with Justin!
Let's all hope that things work out for the Former Pop Princess and her Former Back-up Dancer Husband.
And yes, I have stopped all work production, just to post this, I am sure my boss would be delighted.


Mimi said...

I'm 99.98% not shocked! Bwahahahahahaa,.

Seriously, though, I'd never wish the end of a relationship on anybody, but the writing was on the wall before the relationship became official.

Collette Osuna said...

LOVE your entries!!! You really make me smile!!
Keep em coming lady:)
Too funny about Brittany!!, heheheh
