Wednesday, July 27

CHA in Review

I know it was a week and a half ago, but I have finally gotten back into the swing of things after the big vacation that nearly killed me and had a chance to sit down and think, ponder. CHA on the whole was in one word..... OVERWHELMING!! So much product, so little time. I could not believe all the stuff there was to see and didn't have enough time to check it all out in one short 9 hour day. Saw so many celebs, peas and scrappin' big wigs. I got to see Ali Edwards from a distance, wanted so badly to get within arms reach of her, but missed my chance. I thought for sure if I had merely stood next to her, I could soak up an ounce of her talent, but unfortunately, I did not get the chance to soak. That's the last time my bladder makes me miss an opportunity like that!
I realized within the first hour at the show that there is too much to choose from!! As I walked the floor my head was spinning with ideas, so many I could barely keep track. I brought a notebook and camera (of course) but even now, I am trying to recollect all the cool things I want to share. The pictures help, so here is a short pictorial of my CHA experience.

So here is a simple list of the sights of a few things I loved at CHA:

Seven Gypsies made me drool!!! Awesome new stuff and incredible booth, loves it!

An incredible 7 Gypsies sample!

Not the craziest about the new Doodlebug and not sure why they only released Christmas and Halloween themes, but love this idea.....consider it stolen.

New Bazzill Chipboard pieces and accordian folded papers!!

Lunchboxes from Basic Grey as well as Chinese takeout boxes, uber cool!

Everyting American Crafts!

Me and the Arctic Frog.

Plus, as I mentioned before, I WON THE PINK TRUNK from Chatterbox and it was filled with a TON of stuff!!! I am working on a "layout" type letter to thank them for such a fabulous prize, need to take more kooky photos of me and the trunk. But here is a peak, jealous yet?? Here is a sneak peek at it:

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