(this is for my buddy Michele who begged me at the beginning of January to update my blog, I finally updated Michele! Can you believe it?)
It has been a crazy few months.
The holidays always throw me for a loop and this year it was even more insane with the store and the crazy snow we have been having, I am amazed I haven't checked myself into the funny farm yet.
Here's a quick recap of the last few months.
We had Thanksgiving with the family and of course there was lots of wine involved.
My sister and her fiance, K-Fred were there.
Did I mention before, she's engaged?My nephew was showing off his new facial bling.
Nice...real nice.And of course there was turkey.
And I tried to get a nice photo of me and the kid but I refuse to be shorter than him.
While I was trying to tippy toe my sister was jumping up behind us to try and get in the photo.
This cracks me up.
And now when I say I am the tall sister at 5'3", you will all believe me.We had originally thought that we would have bought our house well before Thanksgiving and been able to host the major holidays in our new home but that just didn't work out as planned.
This made for an even grumpier holiday season.
I pouted about not having a tree.
I pouted about not getting to bake since all my cookware is in storage.
I pouted just to pout.
It was not a happy time in our house for sure.
And now looking back, I think it was probably for the best.
I didn't need all that hassle this year.
I didn't have the time for the tree or the baking or the decorating.
I did all my Christmas shopping 3 days before Christmas for christ's sake.
So I sat back this year and just went through the motions of the holidays.
We had Christmas at my dad's first, before Christmas.And while opening presents, my father wouldn't turn off the golf game, so Tiger is in all my photos.
I got some really nice gifts.
And my parents weren't really thrilled that I still haven't opened my expensive cookware from last year.
But they bought me new kitchen goodies to go with them when I do eventually open that box.
My sister was there and I only see her a few times a year.
Nice to see that the kid ruins pictures he takes with everyone, not just me.Christmas day was spent at my mom's house which is convenient because she lives so close.
Most of my siblings weren't there.
Only these 2 were.The kid was being himself as usual.
And apparently I was in a totally pouty mood that day too because when I went searching for Christmas photos I only had about 5.
When my brother and his girlfriend came back from her family in Minnesota, we had Christmas for the third time and apparently by then I had had enough because I don't have a single photo!
I have to admit, not having pictures is kinda sad but not having to be the one taking them all the time is kinda nice.
It was good to just sit back and enjoy.
Even if there is no proof.
New Years was low key as usual.
We went to dinner to celebrate my psuedo-SIL's bday.
My little sister was there with her new beau.Here's my brother and his 'stache.
Oh yeah, that's Katie and the kid too.
That 'stache kinda steals the photo and I forget there are other people in there too.And this is officially the first photo of 2009 the kid had ruined.
Love my triple chins in this picture.
And am I singing??
WTF?The kid turned 13 on January 1st too.
And I don't have a single picture of that either.
I think I just freaked out all day.
Pray for me people...pray that I survive these teen years.
My word of the year....TIME.
Make time for my friends.
Cherish time with my family.
Make time for me.
I need more of it and to learn to use it more wisely this year, for sure.
And for all you crafty people, I have made a zillion things in the last few months.
So feast your eyes on these...(If anyone needs details about any cards, just shoot me an email or check out the CraftFancy gallery.)
I bought a paperwhites kit at Target after Christmas on clearance for $2 and last week they shot up like this...This week they are gorgeous and smell great...
I am off work for 4 days and I am trying to distance myself and just enjoy being off.
Easier said than done.
I'm heading to the south side later.
I'll probably get lost like I always do.
I am meeting up with my friend Josie tonight to check out her new house.
Then it's off to see the stamping divas.
Tomorrow I am having a complete makeover and I am toying with the idea of an extreme change in hairstyle.
But I am a total chicken when it comes to hair, so we'll see how that goes.
And then out to dinner with my favorite friends and family tomorrow night at one of my favorite restaurants, Friendship.
Have a great weekend.
And enjoy it without your cameras or from the other side of the lens.
Friday, January 23
Hello 2009!
11:55 AM
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Wow! Great update!
I've realized I haven't written on mine since Dec 31...
Now THAT is what I call an update, busy girl!
yay! i am completely up to date! exactly how many siblings do you have? looks like a lot of fun being all together like that.
i'm 5'3" too! :)
you updated your blog. SEEE I NEW THE KID WAS COOL we have the same bday! :D
I cannot wait for yall to come down in march.. although I may be having dental surgery and be all mmphhhmmphhh talking but thats ok too.. yall can laugh and point and make faces. (no pictures though) hehe
LOVE your photos and that one girl has the karen carpenter face goin on omg she looks like her totally made my mouth fly open (without the anorexia though so dont take that wrong she is very pretty)
I think you would be pretty with a short wild hair doo to match your wild self.
so we gonna see house pics from jos?
I need to hit her blog too.
5 3 is tall in my eyes.. Oh to be 5 3....
LOVE your scrappyness!!!
the kid is gettin tall!!!
happy birthday eve eve too by the way :D
Fantastic cards, great update and have a WONDERFUL B-day dinner and actual birthday. I am sorry that I cannot make it. I will make an effort to venture through the snowy roads and make it out to the store soon. Take care of you!
your pictures and commentary totally crack me up!!!
love all the cards!!
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! See you tonight!!!!!!
Really nice to see some of your work again. I love your cards! I really like the brown emboss on the strawberry - super cool. TFS!
Thanks for the update, Simone! I enjoyed all the family photos, even if you were pouty! LOL! And your crafty projects are pretty awesome! Keep us posted when you can...okay? :-)
happy birthday sista and tell max happy birthday i will send ya'll something soon....i am drowning...and i am glad to see all is well and max hasn't changed...i can't have him get all proper on me..that just wouldn't be cool
and tell your baby sister to eat 5 cheeseburgers...
Yay! A post from the Crafty Simone! Awesome!
Lovely recap, hope the house comes together soon.
And, great cards.1
Great to see what you have been up to! I thought about you last week when I could not get the phrase "scrap your crap" out of my head! Awesome cards ... keep 'em coming, girl!
Holy Feces! An update with pics AND card creations!? Way Kewl!
The Kid looks like he's 17½ years old and cracks me up seeing how he commands every photo he's in. Too funny!
Keep 'em coming! Ü
Well, it's about time! Thanks, Michele! LOL!!
Hey, happy birthday...recover well, my friend :0)
Man...I should blog like that once every couple of months. Thanks for the updates. I was thinking of you yesterday...at a crop...and people were talking about the store. Me thinks I need to make a visit to Craft Fancy soon.
Hey! good for you- you go you updating self you.... happy BELATED birthday. funny how we who make cards are sometimes really lacking in the actually sending cards dept! Hope it was fun! See you soon. i'm saving my crafty money right now, but I'm hoping I can swing taking class Thurs. night.
yay so glad i got to see you!
we have to actually spend some time together next time...now that i have kitchen you are more than welcome to come over and bake anytime : )
I love the pictures. Your son is a typical boy...my nephew makes the same kind of faces in almost every picture!
I tagged you for a photo challenge. You can check it out here: http://mynee.typepad.com/mynee/2009/01/a-challenge.html
Holy moly! What an update!! Love tha photos...they make me smile. Your son looks so much like your brother (without the stash...lol). Miss you my buddy!! Maybe we will get out Chicagee way to visit the Harry Potter experience in 2010!
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