What a nice relaxing weekend.
Went to see my buddy Michele on Friday night, beer and pizza was had.
No stamping was done.
Get the two of us together and you can't get a word in edge-wise!
I did tape a little video of her awesomely full room 'o crap. (coming soon)
She gave me an awesome birthday present, tons of scrapping goodies, none of which I already owned and plenty of skullz and rockin' embellishements!
And a card.
You may remember my rant about these stamping images a while back.
Well, Michele used one to make up a birthday card for me, but added the nose and mouth herself.
Thank God!
Now the poor little dear can smell and eat!
On Saturday, it was warm here and wet.
So we stayed indoors, in jammies and played the day away.
I scrapped up a storm and got all 5 challenges done over at Scrap-diner for their CHA Challenge...woo Hoo!
This one was the hardest of the challenges.
The countdown challenge.
6 brads
5 ribbons
4 patterned papers
3 flowers
2 chipboard
1 stamp
Yeah, it was a real stumper!
But I got it done.

Saturday night, we watched Across the Universe....
This movie was awesome, beyond awesome.
The music, the photography, the trippy effects...I loved it all.
I haven't stopped singing Beatles tunes since.
Mimi, if you haven't seen this one, add it to your list pronto!
It had everything I love in musicals too, I am a fanatic about musicals. As a kid I had always hoped that people would spontaneously break out in synchronized song and dance.
On Sunday, we laid low again.
It was very wet and miserable outside.
More scrapping was had, Max was enthralled with a video game that came from his gamefly subscription.
I made some porkchops in the 'ol crockpot for dinner, gotta love 5 minute prep times.
And we were in bed relatively early, even thought today is a non-school day.
I was awakened a few times last night by a rumbling sound coming from above me!
I am not a light sleeper.
I was when Max was a little guy but in recent years I have become increasingly good at sleeping through just about anything.
Which is why it is so shocking that something woke me up about 4 times last night between the hours of midnight and 6:30am!
I am on the top floor of my building.
The sound was definitely coming from above.
I am thinking there is a vermin in the crawl space/attic....or several.
Tonight will be the test.
Then someone's gotta come out and git 'em.
I can't lose any beauty sleep, I am not a happy camper when I don't get my 8 hours!
Fingers crossed there are no more mystery sounds tonight.
There is a new challenge up over at Scrap Your Crap...it's the holiday paper one.
Great challenge for card makers, scrappers and crafters alike!
So come on over and join the fun.
Page details: PP by Dude Designs, Cardstock by Bazzill, Chipboard by SU, Letter stickers by Doodlebug, Stamps by KI memories, Flowers by MM, Prisma and the $1 store, Brads from Target $1 spot and Heidi Swapp
ha! that's so funny about the Magnolias; I like them but also think it's weird they don't have mouths and noses but it wouldn't stop me from buying (plan to some day). DH thinks it's creepy. Your scrapbook page is great!
I love Miss Maggnolia with a nose and mouth too! Darling card! Hope the criiter moves to a new zip code soon, we have tons of creatures roaming around at night outside here, so I am use to those rattling noises. However,when Max the house mouse visited last year, I was less than thrilled! I don't have cats, just a moose of a dog and he could care less about a house mouse! Me, I am on the bed screaming! He he! Deb
Sounds like an awesome weekend to me.
The noise thing from above though would totally freak me out. You better get that checked out.
I hate being woken up in the middle of the night.
Love the birthday card you received. Your layout is great, I would be hard pressed to produce with all the rules. Your weekend sounds wonderful. I enjoyed the jammies and crafting on Sunday and truly loved it. Find out what's up in the attic and get it out before they have a chance to multiply.
Hope you don't have critters in your walls. I had to chase one out of my house yesterday...my cat was no help to me at all! Ewww!
wow sounds like a busy weekend. Love the layout you did, so cute.
And I reeally hope you hear no more noises, oh creepy.
I have been jonesing over not being able to get these Magnolias....so super sweet with FACIAL features!...Good luck on your maybe, perhaps VERMIN ordeal....If thats what it actually is...sleep with the lights on!....maybe it was just "the weather"???....we can only hope!
Oh I'm glad to hear accross the universe is good. I have had my eye on it so I'll add it to my list of things to do!
I'm going to get on the SYC next challenge...got all my papers sitting here looking at me right now!
I love what your friend did with her lil image!! Awesome idea!!
I love your layout too...how fun!!
The layout is amazing, the noise, not so much. I hate critters.
She looks awesome with a nose and a mouth! :)
And good luck on the critters!
I've not seen it! I can't wait!
And, yuck about the critters. Reminds me of when Ma and Pa get a cat in the Little House books.
Hope you had a good time Friday! Too bad we didn't get any stampin accomplished! I actually scrapped one page today. A Halloween page!
I don't know how I let my self get behind on reading your blog posts. They always bring a big smile to my face! Your writing style is just the best! :-)
And what's with the roses? I didn't even know you had a boy-friend.
Hi Simone!
Your birthday RAK is beautiful and I have to admit that adding a nose and mouth was a great idea. I love your layout.
p.s. good luck finding out what is making the noises:)
okay now you are the third person to mention this movie.
i guess i should see what the fuss is about.
Luv this layout! The black background makes the picture & accents pop, great job girl!
Loving the card and scrappies :)
Hi there Simone! I was just stopping in to say hello and welcome to Craft Critique! I was browsing your blog when I saw this post and had to agree that I absolutely loved Across the Universe too! I had to immediately go out and buy the soundtrack! I couldn't stop singing the songs either! Word of caution though, Dear Prudence and I Want You are not on the soundtrack (insert sad face)but most of the other song are. Love it!
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