Thursday, June 28

You know you're getting old when...

not only can you not acurately see the shape of a sketch, but you can't read the letters on the typepad word verification to save your life!

Seriously! Lately it has been taking me an average of 3-4 times to get those stupid letters on the Typepad right. Sometimes I get so frustrated I just quit.
Am I the only one?
Is typepad making them more difficult so that it can laugh at the verification challenged?
Am I getting them right, they just like messing with me?
So frustrating.


Kristina Lewis said...

I agree!! Sometimes I think I have it right and then I have to try again. So this time I think maybe it wants capital letters. Wrong again. Maybe I need glasses, but I really think the verification thingie is messing with me!

Greta Adams said...

i feel that way with blogger too....and i know i am typing in the right letters and it still says no can do....i hate word verification...pisses me off

michelle sturgeon said...

Ugh!I hate those verifications! Some of them are close to impossible to figure out!

Unknown said...

Trust me, it's not just you. I usually have to do it at least twice. Sometimes more. I had a hard time submitting my A Muse Ribbon Challenge today. I almost gave up.. .. I know how you feel :) I also have the same problem with Blogger sometimes. I normally have to do yours at least twice. We'll see if I have to with this one.. :) hehe...

blah said...

LOL, can I only tell you how many times I have to retype the word verification. At first I thought it was too much drinking and blurfing but it happens at work as well :-)

Jo said...

OMG, it happens to me ALL the time. It's so annoying. Even wearing my glasses doesn't help, LOL.

You also know you're getting old when you keep saying to 20 somethings, 'The original of this song is MUCH better'

Paula said...

Te he he, I can see by the responses that you have company. I'm signing up too. With the black grainy background and the black letters, it's hard to make out g, q t, r, and some others. I think there is a humanoid laughing when they see what we put in!

grandmascraps said...

I thought it was just me. I'm glad I am not the only one with letter verification challenge.

Mimi said...

Oooh, what I hate is the two "v"s in a row that looks like a w.

However, I am also farsighted, so wear reading glasses. And, peer over the top of them. Just like a little old lady.
