Tuesday, June 26


Did a lot of crafty things over the weekend when I shoulda been packing...shhhh...don't tell my mother!
Put together this page for the One Little Word Challenge last week. I really love the prompts they have with one little word and it gets me going and thinking.
Last week's word was "My" and inspired me to use my St Patty's Day photos to showcase My 2nd favorite holiday.
I love how it shows off some great pictures of a fun day, but also tells a little something about me too, very cool!
I try to scrap with a little more purpose lately so that I am telling my story a little more than just, "here's this day and what we did".
Know what I mean?
So, if you need a little inspiration and something to get ya thinking, check out their blog and their little words.
So, here's my layout, the colors are a little wonky, not sure why.

Used: Bazill Cardstock, Scenic Route Paper that is in strips (have you seen this?!!!-love it!), MM letter stickers, Bo Bunny letters for M and Y, Scrapworks circle letters, MM rubons for the year.

These are my all time favorite letter stickers because they are very thick and resilient, plus you can place it on a layout and as long as you don't push too hard, you can still move them! Love that. Plus, they come in different fonts all in one package and there is like a bagillion of them.

1 comment:

Donna Baker said...

what a great page & awesome idea for scrapping!
