Ok, who has little ones about the age of 4-7??
Want a RAK just for them?
Well, I have a magnitude of stickers, books and coloring books...brand new to send out to them as a little summer treat.
All you need to do is be the first four people to comment on this post with your email address and I will send it to your kids, no cost to you!!
Also, if anyone still has a VCR and would like some Disney VHS movies for your little ones, you are more than welcome to those to, except you would have to pay the postage because it would require a box. I have about 12, all Disney classics, all still working.
UPDATE: All my kid treats have been claimed! Good news for me, less stuff and happy kids.
Thanks Simone! My son is a BIG sticker and coloring book freak! I have spent a small fortune in coloring books lately! Thanks, again. My email address is Lorrietori@msn.com
My 3 and 5 year old daughters love stickers, so does my 10 month old, but he just eats them so he doesn't get to play with them.
Also, I have a VHS player too and would love the disney. How much would it cost?
I didn't mention, but they like books and coloring too, I just thought I should include that.
I have a five and a seven year old. They love to color! And craft!
As far as the movies we do have a VCR, and I would love some old Disney movies.
My email is jstaskif@ttc-cmc.net
Thanks Girl!!
If there's any stuff left, my DD who is 4 is ALWAYS trying to get into my stuff lol. She'd love any extras you have.
Thanks so much!
Thank you so much. The items you sent arrived today. My girls were soooo excited. You should have seen them rip into the package. They are sooo happy. I think this will keep them happy until bedtime tonight. That was so kind of you. They loved seeing their names on the package.
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