Thursday, May 24

Men At Work

Yes, the 'ol blog is getting a facelift, needed to change it up a bit.
So bear with me.
My skillz are not the best.

Stay Tuned.
Don't mind the dust.
Suggestions welcome.


Unknown said...

OOO, I like it so far. Very nice! I have no suggestions, you are doing great. :)

Jan C. said...

Had to visit your blog from SIS, just because I love your username there. Too funny!

Emine_Pala_Art_22 said...

LOL... It looks great ;)


blah said...

Loving the colors so far. You're better than me since I can't figure anything out in blog land.

Alyssa said...

So far so good. Is this a blogger template or one you came up with?

michelle sturgeon said...

I recently underwent a change at my blog also. I sought out Nicole Seitler to design a blog banner for was PERFECT! A link to her website can be found on my blog.
I suggest getting someone like Nicole to design a blog banner for you. The price was right and I'm really pleased! Then you have a customized look to your blog.
