Thursday, February 1

Recipe Pages

Here is a preview of some of the pages that I have received so far:

Greta's Mom's Page:

Elizabeth's Page:

Greta's Page:

Debbie's Page:

Carol's Page:Mimi's Page:
That is enough of a peek for now....More pages later. Btw, love them ALL.
And I hear that it is De-Lurker Week, so leave a comment on this thread and perhaps an extra set of pages will make their way to you!! Max will pick a winner next week, stay tuned.


Crafty Connie said...

WOW!!! They are ALL spectacular!!
Love the dimension on the one from Greta's Mom. Great lettering on Debbie's with the Navy seal. Love the lace ribbon on Elizabeth's and the stitching on Greta's. Carol can't wait to try your recipe and love the design. Mimi, love the dimension from the hand cut flowers. I want to and will try each and every recipe. Can't wait to see the rest and get my book. Thanks everyone!

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

I wish I would've had time to get in on that action! Everyone did a great job!

Mimi said...

Wow! I love the taste, I can't wait to see them in person.

Connie, it's so sweet to comment on each of them! You rock!
