Wednesday, May 4

Wacky Wednesday

Ahh, Wacky Wednesday!! One of my favorite days of the week. I remember when I was a little girl, commercials used to proclaim Wednesday as Prince Spaghetti Day. It was also known as the “Anything Can Happen Day”. Some used to refer to it as Hump day, but I rarely hear that one anymore now that the word has different meaning.

Wednesdays are great because in my city, the schools let out an hour earlier on Wednesdays, which means I leave work an hour earlier than usual, giving me more time before the dinner rush. And thus, this led to the name Wacky Wednesday because I had never heard of such a thing. Wednesdays used to be the day I would work both jobs, but not any more. So, now Wednesdays are even better!

So, as a tribute to the title of the day, I thought I would post a Wacky little tidbit from one of my favorite sites News of the Weird. Every other week there is new news to read up on, all true and all wacky.

One News of the Weird "No Longer Weird" category was apparently retired
prematurely, in that there has rarely been a sighting of it for years now. However, on April 7, a 48-year-old man drove to the Department of Motor Vehicles in Anchorage, Alaska, failed to come to a complete stop, bumped into a wall of the building, backed up, parked, walked inside nonchalantly, and got his driver's license renewed. Although workers in the accounting offices of the building were shaken up (one thought an earthquake had hit), no one inside knew exactly what had happened until police arrived. The driver failed a coordination test and was charged with DUI based on a prescription medication he was taking.
[Anchorage Daily News, 4-8-05]
The “news” reminds me of the movie So I Married An Axe Murderer which stars Mike Meyers. In the movie, his father, reads the Weekly World News as his source for news. Check out the Movie, it is hilarious!

I included a little picture here that cracks me up everytime I see it. So funny!

For everyone wondering what kinda projects I am working on… Well, I have finished my project of the week, a small Mother’s Day gift. It will be posted on 2peas soon. I will add the link to that after I post it. Also, I am working on my class proposals for the Park District and also, some in-home workshop ideas. Plus, I am working on cards and pages for my demo board. Man, am I busy! There are no enough hours in the day!

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